2018 Australian Fairy Tale Society Award

The Australian Fairy Tale Society presented Kate Forsyth with its Annual Award for Inspiration and Contribution to Australian Fairy Tale Culture on June 10 at the group’s annual conference in Sydney.

The award winner receives a one-year AFTS membership, an award certificate and artwork by an AFTS member, and gets their name added to the perpetual Award sculpture.

Forsyth was of three 2018 nominees.

Here are some of the things mentioned by her nominators:

“Although some might understandably point to her best selling and/or award winning novels, I believe the true greatness of Kate Forsyth resides in a tapestry of talents: her ability to research, construct, interpret, polish and publish a work, together with her delivery of that story – or surrounding tales – orally as a performer, and her aplomb as a presenter, in person and online, along with relatable interpersonal skills, have provided Australian fairy tale enthusiasts with a fabulous living mentor.”

“She has proven that [fairy tales] are not simply a European phenomenon, locked away in tradition, but rather are a living entity, with tributaries springing from many cultural sources, near and far, ancient and modern, bearing significant relevance to Australia as a leader in vibrant intercultural harmony.”

Some of the things that were mentioned in her nomination:

“Dr Robyn Floyd is the foremost expert in Australian fairy tales by a long way. Her original research has uncovered the history of the publication of Australian fairy tales, their influences and impact, which has not been done before.”

“By revealing and publishing what Australian fairy tales have been written, Robyn has given the Australian fairy tale community a body of work that we can explore. She has revealed our heritage to us.”

Here are some of the things mentioned by his nominators:

“Journalist Elaine Fry said Kumakana ‘resonates strongly with a sense of place, yet is not limited by location’. Kevin Price writes on his blog, Right from its inception, Kumakana is intended to be culture building, challenging the traditional western ways in which we look at the Australian bush as something wild, something to be tamed. Kumakana intends a broader sense of the real.”

“The myth and legend of Kumakana engages the bush itself as a character tied to a whole cast of multidimensional planes. It attempts to challenge many of the conventional tropes that define the Australian Legend so long dominating our gaze of the Australian bush.”

2017 Australian Fairy Tale Society Award

Dr. Belinda Calderone

Academic Dr. Belinda Calderone, outgoing president of the Australian Fairy Tale Society, is the recipient of the inaugural Australian Fairy Tale Society Award, given for an outstanding contribution to the field of Australian Fairy Tales.

The perpetual award trophy was designed by Spike Deane.

Calderone was also presented with an original painting by Erin-Claire Barrow to take home.