Loscon 50: “Celebrating 50 Loscons”

Loscon, the annual convention of the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society and family reunion of the science fiction reading community, celebrates its landmark 50th event from November 29 to December 1, 2024. The guests of honor are beloved figures in sff community history:

AUTHOR GUEST OF HONOR: Spider Robinson, winner of the Hugo and Nebula Awards, known for Telempath, Stardance (with his late wife Jeanne) and the Callahan’s Crosstime Saloon series.

MUSICAL ARTIST GUEST OF HONOR: Kathy Mar, singer, guitarist and songwriter, who shines as the guiding star of KINDNESS. Her indie “filk” works include award winners such as Velveteen, When Giants Walked, and Drink Up The River.

VISUAL ARTIST GUEST OF HONOR: Dr. Laura Brodian Freas Beraha, illustrator, costumer, and Regency dance enabler. Her cover and interior artwork has been published by TSR, The Easton Press, Analog, Weird Tales, and more. Her doctorate is in music education, and she is known to Los Angeles radio audiences as a classical music presenter.

GHOST OF HONOR: Frank Kelly Freas, illustrator of many science fiction books and magazine covers, known to the rest of the world for MAD Magazine’s character Alfred E. Neuman, his art on album covers for Queen and so very much more. He attended Loscon for years until his passing in 2005, and [super] naturally, he haunts us still with his gremlin smile.

FAN GUESTS OF HONOR: Genny Dazzo and Craig Miller, bicoastal fan “power couple” and longtime supporters of the LASFS and Loscon. Genny was a conrunner from New York, working on the early Star Trek conventions there, and moved out west to marry Craig Miller, a power in Loscon from the very start and publicity professional.

Nerd Mafia will return to host a cosplay costume contest for all ages on Saturday.

Loscon is held at the Los Angeles Airport Hilton, on Century Boulevard near Los Angeles International Airport. Weekend memberships are currently available at discounted rates.

For updates, follow Loscon on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and search for #Loscon.

Loscon 50: Nov 29- Dec 1, 2024 Los Angeles area’s longest running Science Fiction Fan Convention. Hilton Los Angeles Airport Hotel 5711 W Century Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90045.

[Based on a press release.]

Craig Miller’s Middle Eastern Project

Majid Kids TV is a new channel from the United Arab Emirates, and Craig Miller has developed two animated series for them, supervising the writing, and he wrote a half-hour special they used to announce the channel.

A sample video from Majid, about a teenage boy who travels around the world and solves mysteries, has been posted to YouTube.

It begins with a montage of scenes from scripts by Shaene Siders and Jeremiah Smith, and a full episode written by Genny Dazzo.

All the dialog is in Arabic.


Photos of 1981 NYC Party for James White

Peter de Jong recently found a set of 27 photos taken at a 1981 party for LunaCon GoH James White, the Irish sf writer, and has posted them here.

The party, organized by Moshe Feder, was held at de Jong’s apartment in midtown Manhattan. Feder says he does not know who took the pictures.

James White wears his famous Saint Fantony blazer in photo #1.

Fans identified in the photographs are: Norma Auer Adams, Larry Carmody, Ross Chamberlain, Alina Chu, Eli Cohen, Genny Dazzo, Peter de Jong, Moshe Feder, Chip Hitchcock, Lenny Kaye, Hope Leibowitz, Craig Miller, Andrew Porter, Stu Shiffman, James White, Jonathan White, Peggy White, and Ben Yalow.

(There is also an unnamed fan in photo #4 I recognize. She occasionally looks at this blog and I will happily add her name to this article if she grants permission.)

[Thanks to Moshe Feder and Andrew Porter for the story.]

Craig Miller’s Aussie Trip

Craig Miller has written a movie that’s to be the pilot for a science fiction television series called Resistance. The production people flew Craig and Genny to Australia a couple of months ago so Craig could participate in some of the developmental activities.

Now Craig has compiled the messages sent during the trip into a report and added a lot of great photos. The one of him standing in giant shark jaws is my favorite.

The Power of Both

Two former Hillary Clinton staffers started Vote Both.com after the primaries, a site advocating a unity ticket of Clinton and Obama. Key backers of the “dream ticket” include Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell and Sen. Charles Schumer of New York.

I mention this because Westercon begins this week in Las Vegas, one of the rare conventions that changes sites each year as voted by the members, and I’m reminded that somebody once had the bright idea that “Both” would be the perfect solution for a pair of Westercon bids. Let me tell you how well “Both” worked for us. Then you may consider yourselves warned.

From File 770 #35, August 1982:

Even on the morning of its last day, [the 1982] Westercon had not exhausted its bag of tricks. Prelude: When Portland and Phoenix announced their 1984 Westercon bids, fans noted they were not bidding for the same days – one would have started before July 4, the other after. Certain pundits, who shall remain namelex*, conceived a campaign for BOTH. Let them both win. Let them both put on a Westercon. Let’s go to both. Witty, computer-typed flyers advocated, “If you are a Phoenix local or a Portland local, this is a great opportunity to get more con for your money: You can attend the portion nearest you if you’re on a budget; You can attend both cons for little more than if you were going to the con farther away; LA locals can check on their cats on their way to the other con.”

After a weekend of people running about asking each other whether they voted for “Both,” the bidders agreed to count the ballots after Site Selection closed 7 PM Sunday, and not release the results until the next morning’s Business Meeting. Randy Rau (Phoenix), Craig Miller, Ben Yalow, Pam Davis (Portland) and Bryce Walden (Portland) were the counters. After the counting session, Rau, who was also chair of the ’82 Westercon and therefore custodian of the ballots, walked from the room down the fire stairs to the con level (the most efficient way of getting around, given the elevators). By the time he got to the bottom, somebody came up to him with a rumor that a bid had won by one vote.

Seeing as one of the bids had, indeed, won by one vote, Rau was infuriated. Other Phoenix fans, figuring they had lost by one vote, mobbed the Business Meeting Monday morning demanding to exercise their right to vote at the Business Meeting (which seemed unclearly provided for in the bylaws). Now it was the second year in a row that a breakdown in the site selection process forced the Business Meeting to get involved in who won. (The Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society Board of Directors is the last-resort custodian of Westercon, who had actually been forced to take a role in the ’81 meeting. Since many members of the Board were also bidding for this little thing called the Worldcon, the last thing they wanted was to have to arbitrate this emotional mess.)

“Bullets, not ballots,” suggested Seth Breidbart. After extended private huddling between the bidders and parliamentarian Fred Patten, a decision finally came forth. Rather than risk having to let the meeting vote whether to reopen balloting (which it easily would have done, considering the pack of irate Phoenix fen), Randy Rau announced that the Phoenix bid withdrew. Portland was proclaimed winner. Chairman of the meeting, Bruce Dane, revealed 374 votes were cast; now being rushed to the shredder. There was much applause. Westercon rules actually mandated the release of the voting info, but everybody pretended to forget that in the interests of peace. What had really happened? Milt Stevens’ analysis of the situation led him to believe that the “Both” bid had won. If Portland had won by one vote, the matter could have been resolved by merely sticking to the agreement that balloting was closed the night before. If Phoenix had won by one vote then they wouldn’t have had to pack the Business Meeting. They wouldn’t have had to withdraw their bid to resolve the crisis. (“Both” ceased to exist when one bidder folded.) Nor would there have been such haste to destroy the ballots.

As she was preparing to leave the con, Genny Dazzo loudly announced that she was going back to New York and start a Phoenix in ’84 Worldcon bid, to repay the “Both” bidders for their hubris.

[* A reference to Lex Nakashima, the alleged mastermind.]

The Moral of the Story: “Both” seemed a clever idea to just enough Westercon voters to make the election three times as controversial as it otherwise would have been, and to leave the winner just about as unhappy as the loser. The saving grace in 2008 is that party delegates are much less likely to try and force “Both” on unwilling candidates.