Bradbury’s Fannish Collectibles

Among the 15 most expensive Bradbury collectibles ever sold by Abe Books are two items of fanhistorical significance.

The Pacificon Combozine, souvenir book of the 1946 Worldcon, went for $3500.

Inexplicably bringing just half of that, $1750, was a copy of the even rarer first Worldcon souvenir book (1939) autographed by organizers Will Sykora and Mario Racic, and by Ray Bradbury at a later date.

Some other Bradbury collectibles are far more valuable, like the edition of Fahrenheit 451 with the special fireproof asbestos cover which goes for over $10,000.

Also of interest is the complete collection of Bradbury first editions offered by The Fine Books Company, more than 60 different titles published from 1947 until 2009, with an asking price of $37,105.

[Thanks to Andrew Porter for the story.]