Journey Planet #82: “Be the Change”

By The Journey Planet Team: Paul Weimer joins Allison Hartman Adams, James Bacon, and Christopher J. Garcia in editing Journey Planet Issue 82 focusing on the future of the Hugo Awards.

Paul is one of a number of people who were treated appallingly by the Chengdu Worldcon, whose valid nomination was arbitrarily made ineligible by Dave McCarty under Ben Yalow, in the disastrous Chengdu Hugo Awards corruption of 2023.

The contributors to this fanzine consider what comes next: looking forward, looking at solutions, and sharing thoughts about how to move forward.

Hugo nominees, winners and stakeholders consider how to rebuild trust, honesty, respectfulness and question both what has occurred and what next. Previous Worldcon Chairs and future Worldcon chairs talk about their vision and share their positive hopes.

We know many fans already have thrown themselves into considerable amounts of work, ensuring the Hugos are spectacular. We’ve seen Glasgow 2024 work hard to be transparent and democratic, as evidenced by their Town Hall meetings, which show a level of engagement and consideration for finalists that is fresh and welcomed.

A number of these pieces will progress to motions as fellow travelers with similar sentiments are brought together at future Worldcons.

Mike Glyer, of the crucial fan news site File 770, a constant support to Journey Planet, filling our sails with wind, has agreed to share a selection of the articles with the community, and we look forward to seeing what interest there is in them.

Our cover image is of the “Tartan Rocket.” This was a Glasgow 2024 April Fool’s joke item, designed by Sara Felix. While this issue of Journey Planet is a serious one, we love and applaud the sense of fun and positivity that this ‘Tartan Rocket’ exemplifies. Our thanks to Glasgow 2024.

Paul wanted to focus on “What is to be Done,” a more productive approach than speculation on the whys and wherefores, and how important it is to ‘be part of the change.’ We are grateful to everyone who has contributed to the issue.

Letters of comment welcome to: [email protected]

Journey Planet 82 – Be the Change – Table of Contents

Page 3 – Vanilla Villain’s Variant Villanelle by Trish E. Matson
Page 4 – A Resolution by Chris J. Garcia
Page 5 – Be The Change, But Also Make Amends by Sarah Gulde, TAFF Delegate
Page 6 – Chengdu Proposal Series by Zimozi Natsuco / 短标题:成都提案系列
Page 28 – Boosters for the Rockets: A Formal Pastoral Care Procedure for Hugo Finalists by Alasdair Stuart
Page 31 – Make the Change by Randall Shepherd
Page 34 – Changes Needed for the Hugo Awards Process by Trish E. Matson
Page 36 – Suggestions by Chris M. Barkley
Page 37 – The Hugo Awards Crisis Deepens: Where We Stand and How to Save the Awards by Nerds of a Feather, Flock Together
Page 44 – Be the Change: For the Future of the Hugos by Paul Weimer
Page 46 – On Worldcons by Sara Felix
Page 48 – Tools, Spanners and a Gentle Tap by James Bacon
Page 50 – Be the Change by Marguerite Smith
Page 53 – Enditorial by James Bacon
Page 55 – On This Issue’s Art by Christopher J. Garcia