2018 Utopiales Awards Shortlists

Finalists have been announced for two of the awards that will be presented at Utopiales, the International Science Fiction Festival of Nantes.

The nominees for the Prix Utopiales 2018 are:

  • L’Or du diable, Andreas Eschbach (L’Atalante)
  • Espace Lointain, Jaroslav Melnik (Agullo)
  • L’âme des horloges, David Mitchell (de l’Olivier)
  • Station: La chute, Al Robertson (Denoël)
  • Amatka, Karin Tidbeck (La Volte)

The award recognizes a novel, or a collection, published in French during the eligibility period by a European author. The prize has a cash value of 3000 euros.

The nominees for the Prix Utopiales Jeunesse 2018 (Utopiales Youth Award) are:

  • The Rain, Virginia Bergin (Bayard)
  • Les Puissants, tome 1: Esclaves, Vic James (Nathan)
  • Nouvelle Sparte, Erik L’Homme (Gallimard Jeunesse)
  • Star Trip, Éric Senabre (Didier jeunesse)
  • Le Mort du Temps, Aurélie Wellenstein (Scrineo)

The award ceremony will take place during the  Utopiales International Science Fiction Festival of Nantes, October 31-November 5.

[Via Locus Online.]

2017 Prix Utopiales Winners

The Prix Utopiales 2017 were announced November 4 during an award ceremony at the Utopiales International Science Fiction Festival of Nantes in France. Here are the winners in the fiction and comic book categories.

The European Utopiales Award

  • L’Installation de la peur by Rui Zink, translated from the Portuguese “A Instalação do Medo” (The Installation of Fear) by Maira Muchnik

The award recognizes a novel, or a collection, published in French during the eligibility period by a European author. The prize has a cash value of 3000 euros.

Prix Utopiales Européen Jeunesse 2017 (Utopiales European Youth Awards)

  • Le jardin des épitaphes, tome 1: Celui qui reste debout, Taï-Marc Le Thanh (Didier jeunesse)

The award has a cash value of 2000 euros. The winner was chosen by a jury of seven young people from the Nantes region, aged between 13 and 16: Stellenn Le Moine, Alban Mentzer, Irenee Brasseur, Anais Gervais, Louis Espi, Garance Tulli-Houzet, Ruffine Kitenge. President of the Jury: Denis E. Savine, translator.

Prix Utopiales BD 2017 (for Best Comic Book)

  • La terre de fils de Gilpi (Éditiones Futuropolis)

Prix Extraordinare Utopiales 2017

  • Pierre Bordage, French sff novelist

Prix Joel-Champetier

  • Feldrik Rivat for Le Contrat Antonov-201

The prize is for unpublished short fiction in French by non-Canadian writers. The winner receives € 1000. The winning work will be published in the Winter 2017 issue of the Canadian prozine Solaris.

Presented earlier this weekend was the Julia Verlanger Prize, a literary award established in 1986 which honors science fiction and fantasy novels.

Prix Julia Verlanger 

  • L’espace d’un an et Libration de Becky Chambers (L’Atalante) (A Closed and Common Orbit)

2017 Utopiales Awards Shortlists

Finalists have been announced for two of the awards that will be presented at Utopiales, the Nantes International Science Fiction Festival.

The nominees for the Prix Utopiales Européen 2017 (Utopiales European Awards) are:

  • Luna: New Moon by Ian McDonald, translated by Gilles Goullet
  • L’Installation de la peur by Rui Zink, translated from the Portuguese “A Instalação do Medo” (The Installation of Fear) by Maira Muchnik
  • Merfer [Railsea] by China Miéville, translated by Nathalie Mege
  • Mes vrais enfants [My Real Children] by Jo Walton, translated by Florence Dolisi
  • Spire by Laurent Genefort

The award recognizes a novel, or a collection, published in French during the eligibility period by a European author. The prize has a cash value of 3000 euros.

The nominees for the Prix Utopiales Européen Jeunesse 2017 (Utopiales European Youth Awards) are:

  • Jungle Park, Philippe Arnaud (Sarbacane)
  • L’Effet Ricochet, Nadia Coste (Seuil jeunesse)
  • L’éveil, Jean-Baptiste de Panafieu (Gulf Stream)
  • Le jardin des épitaphes, tome 1: Celui qui reste debout, Taï-Marc Le Thanh (Didier jeunesse)
  • New Earth Project, David Moitet (Didier jeunesse)

The award ceremony will take place during the Utopiales International Science Fiction Festival of Nantes, November 1-6.

The jury for the Prix Utopiales Européen 2017 is —

Prix Utopiales 2016

Prix Utopiales Euorpeen

The winners of the Prix Utopiales 2016 were announced at the award ceremony at the Utopiales International Science Fiction Festival of Nantes in France on October 31.

The European Utopiales Award

  • Le vivant by Anna Starobinets. Translation (from Russian) Raphaëlle Pache (Mirobole Editions)

The award recognizes a novel, or a collection, published in French during the eligibility period whose author is a citizen of a country belonging to the European Community. The prize has a cash value of 2000 euros.

The winner was selected by a jury composed of Gwen De Bonneval (President of the jury, comics designer and scriptwriter), Ludovic Doucet (Nantes), Tiphaine Potiron (Nantes), Joël Dagorn (Maisons-Lafitte) and Aline Celhay (Saint-Nazaire).

Le Prix Utopiales Européen Jeunesse 2015
(The European Utopiales Youth Award 2015)

  • Empreinte digitale by Patrice Favaro (Thierry Magnier Éditions)

The winner was selected by a jury of young readers age 12-15: Eliott Pratz, Alban Mentzer, Iréné Brasseur, Stellen Le Moîne, Anaïs Gervais et Aglaé Thébaud

Presented earlier this weekend was the Julia Verlanger Prize, a literary award established in 1986 which honors science fiction and fantasy novels.

Prix Julia Verlanger 

  • Le Club des Punk contre l’Apocalypse Zombie by Karim Berrouka

2016 Utopiales Awards Shortlists

Prix Utopiales Euorpeen

Finalists have been announced for three awards that will be presented at Utopiales, the Nantes International Science Fiction Festival.

The nominees for the Prix Utopiales Européen 2016 (Utopiales European Awards) are:


  • La fenêtre de Diane by Dominique Douay (Les Moutons Électriques)
  • Futu.re by Dimitri Glukhovsky. Translation (from Russian) Denis E. Savine (Éditions L’Atalante)
  • Légationville [Embassytown] by China Miéville. Translation (from English) Nathalie Mège (Fleuve Editions)
  • Métaquine by François Rouiller (Éditions L’Atalante)
  • Sous la Colline by David Calvo (Éditions La Volte)
  • Le vivant by Anna Starobinets. Translation (from Russian) Raphaëlle Pache (Mirobole Editions)

The award recognizes a novel, or a collection, published in French during the eligibility period whose author is a citizen of a country belonging to the European Community. The prize has a cash value of 3000 euros.

The nominees for the Prix Utopiales Européen Jeunesse 2016 (Utopiales European Youth Awards) are:


  • Les Copies by Jesper Wung-Sung. Translation (from Danish) Jean-Baptiste Coursaud (Éditions du Rouergue Jeunesse)
  • Empreinte digitale by Patrice Favaro (Thierry Magnier Éditions)
  • La source by Maxime Fleury (Thierry Magnier Éditions)
  • Les sous-vivants by Johan Héliot (Seuil Jeunesse)

The nominees for the Prix Utopiales 2016 du meilleur album de BD (Utopiales Prize for the best album of Comics)


  • L’Apocalypse selon Magda, Chloé Vollmer-Lo & Carole Maurel, éd. (Éditions Delcourt)
  • Le dernier arpenteur des sables, Jay Hosler, (Éditions Cambourakis)
  • Ex Nihilo, Stéphane Douay et Jean-François Kierzkowski, (Les Éditions Pirates)
  • Nefer, Chants et contes des premières terres, Arnaud Boutle, éd. (Éditions Delcourt)
  • Pouvoirpoint, Erwann Surcouf, éd. (Vide Cocagne)
  • Transperceneige Terminus, Jean-Marie Rochette & Olivier Boquet, éd. (Casterman BD)
  • Zita, Sylvie Fontaine, éd. (La Boite à Bulles)

The award ceremony will take place during the Utopiales International Science Fiction Festival of Nantes, October 29-November 3.

2015 Utopiales Awards

Prix Utopiales EuorpeenThe Utopiales Festival International de Science-Fiction in Nantes, France drew over 65,000 visitors to last weekend’s convention.

The full list of all awards given at the event, including the video game competition, film festival, and cosplay, is here.

Two major literary awards were presented.

Le Prix Utopiales Européen Jeunesse 2015
(The European Utopiales Youth Award 2015)

  • Humains, Matt Haig (translated by Valérie Le Plouhinec), ed. Hélium, august 2014

The winner was selected by a jury of young readers between 13 and 16 years old, Zoé Berthelot, Louna Boulic, Luna Brasseur, Barbara Chotard, Julien Couvert, Titouan Giraudon, Elena Guibert, Marie Perrault, François Philippe and Aglaé Thebaud.

The European Utopiales Award

  • L’Autre Ville (The Other City), Michal Ajvaz (translated by Benoît Meunier), éd. Mirobole, 2015

The award recognizes a novel, or a collection, published in French during the eligibility period whose author is a citizen of a country belonging to the European Community. The prize has a cash value of 2000 euros. The winner was selected by a jury composed of Jean-Pierre Dionnet, Pierre-Michel Caillé and Stéphan Henry.

Also presented was the Julia Verlanger Prize, a literary award established in 1986 which honors science fiction and fantasy novels.

Prix Julia Verlanger 

  • Lum’en, Laurent Genefort, éd. Le Bélial, 2015

Mention spéciale du jury

  • L’Adjacent (The Adjacent), Christopher Priest (translated by Jacques Collin), éd. Denoël, 2015

2015 Utopiales Awards Shortlists

Prix Utopiales EuorpeenFinalists have been announced for two awards presented at Utopiales, the Nantes International Science Fiction Festival.

The nominees for the Utopiales European Awards are:

  • Celle qui a tous les dons” (The Girl With All The Gifts), Mike Carey (translated by Nathalie Mège), éd. L’Atalante, 10/2014
  • Lum’en“, Laurent Genefort, éd. Le Bélial, 05/15
  • Thinking Eternity“, Raphaël Granier de Cassagnac, éd. Mnémos, 08/2014…
  • L’Adjacent” (The Adjacent), Christopher Priest (translated by Jacques Collin), éd. Denoël, 04/2015
  • L’Autre Ville” (The Other City), Michal Ajvaz (translated by Benoît Meunier), éd. Mirobole, 04/2015

The award recognizes a novel, or a collection, published in French during the eligibility period whose author is a citizen of a country belonging to the European Community. The prize has a cash value of 2000 euros.

The nominees for the Utopiales European Youth Awards are

  • Humains” (The Humans), Matt Haig (translated by Valérie Le Haig Plouhinec), éd. Hélium, août 2014
  • Ciel 1.0. L’hiver des machines“, Johan Heliot, éd. Gulf Stream Editeur, octobre 2014.
  • Mingus“, Keto von Waberer (translated by Jacqueline Chambon), éd. Le Rouergue jeunesse (Epik), janvier 2015
  • Memor : le monde d’après“, Kinga Wyrzykowska, éd. Bayard, mars 2015

The award ceremony will take place during the Utopiales International Science Fiction Festival of Nantes, October 29-November 2.

[Via Europa SF.]

Award Winners at 2014 Utopiales Festival

PRIX_3The following awards were announced at Utopiales in Nantes on October 31.

Prix Julia Verlanger* 
L’esprit du Melkine by Olivier Paquet (Editions L’Atalante, 2013)

(*The Julia Verlanger Prize is a literary award established in 1986 which honors science fiction and fantasy novels.)

Prix Extraordinaire
Chris Foss

Prix du meilleur scénario de jeux de rôle / Best screenplay RPG
Les Brumes de Saint-Malo (for the game Les Larmes du Cardinal) by Pierre Éric Mouton

Prix du meilleur jeu vidéo réalisé à la Game Jam /  Award for best video game made during the Game Jam
Neuromance by Bastien Kerspern (GD), Charles Perinet (GD), Rémi Gourrierec (Graph), Alain Puget (Graph et Dev), Pierre Chabiland (Dev), Louis Godart (SD)

Prix de la meilleure bande dessinée de science-fiction /  Award for best science fiction comic
Punk Rock Jesus by Sean Murphy (Éditions Urban Comics, 2013)

Mention spéciale du jury / Honorable mention
Kanopé by Louise Joor (Éditions Delcourt, 2014)

Prix du Jury – compétition internationale de courts métrages / Jury Prize – International short film competition
Reset by Marcus Kryler and Fredrik Åkerström (Swweden, 2012)

Mention spéciale du jury / Honorable mention
Triad by Bradley Oliver-White (Great Britain, 2013)

Prix du public – compétition internationale de courts métrages / Audience Award – International short film competition
The Nostalgist by Giacomo Cimini (Great Britain, 2014)

Grand Prix du Jury – compétition internationale de longs métrages / Jury Award – International short film competition
The Midnight After by Fruit Chan (China / Hong Kong, 2014)

Mention spéciale du jury pour l’interprétation /  Special Jury Mention for translation
Morse, the creator and investigator of the Sûreté du Québec
Tusk (by Kevin Smith, United States, 2014): Justin Long, Michael Parks and Johnny Depp

Prix Syfy du public – compétition internationale de longs métrages / Syfy Award – International competition of feature films
Predestination by Michael and Peter Spierig (Australia, 2014)

Prix Utopiales Européen Jeunesse / European Youth Prize
Pixel Noir by  Jeanne-A Debats (Éditions Syros Jeunesse, 2014)

Mention spéciale du jury / Honorable mention
Automne by Jan Henrik Nielsen (translated by Aude Pasquier), (Éditions Albin Michel, 2014)

Prix Utopiales Européen / Utopiales European Prize*
Sumerki  by Dmitry Glukhovsky (translated by Denis E. Savine), (Éditions L’Atalante, 2014)

(*Given by the Nantes International Science Fiction Festival, the juried award recognizes a novel, or a collection, published in French during the eligibility period whose author is a citizen of a country belonging to the European Community. The prize is 2000 euros.)

Prix Utopiales Jeunesse 2014 Nominees

The winner of the 2014 Prix Utopiales Jeunesse will be announced this weekend at Utopiales, the Nantes International Festival of Science Fiction in France. The award recognizes European authors of “the genre called ‘literature of the imagination.’”

The shortlist was selected by a committee consisting of a librarian, a bookseller, and a translator. The winner will be picked by a jury of 13-to-15-year-olds, Emilie Auffret, Barbara Chotard, Ronan Nourrisson, Emma Poignan-Choemet, Eliott Pratz, Paola Raoul and Doman Tavernier.

The name of the award is translated by one writer as “European Youth Prize,” but it seems to be an award for juvenile fiction, similar to the YA category.

The finalists are:

  • Bazmaru et la fille du vent de Maëlle Fierpied, L’école des loisirs, 11/13
  • Les substituts de Johan Heliot, Seuil, 04/14
  • Dresseur de fantômes de Camille Brissot, L’Atalante, 05/14
  • La symphonie des abysses Livre 1 de Carina Rozenfeld, Robert Laffont, 02/14
  • Pixel noir de Jeanne-A Debats, Syros, 03/14
  • Automne de Jan Henrik Nielsen (traduit par Aude Pasquier), Albin Michel, 01/14