Anne Jeffreys Dies

By Chip Hitchcock: Anne Jeffreys (January 26, 1923 – September 27, 2017), age 94; played Marion Kerby in Topper (1953-1955 TV version), and soap opera character Amanda Barrington (General Hospital, Port Charles), who (says the New York Times) came under the spell of a vampire. Count me among the 10,000; I never knew soap operas other than Dark Shadows had vampires….

Her Wikipedia entry highlights some of her other genre credits:

She was nominated for a Golden Globe for her work in The Delphi Bureau (1972)….

In 1979, she guest starred as Siress Blassie in the Battlestar Galactica episode “The Man with Nine Lives” as a love interest of Chameleon, a part played by Fred Astaire. She was the last person to dance with him onscreen. She also guest starred as Prime Minister Dyne in the Buck Rogers in the 25th Century episode “Planet of the Amazon Women” as the leader of the titular planet.