Pixel Scroll 10/29/23 Swamp Thing! You Make My Scroll Sing

(1) LINDA ADDISON ON HALLOWEEN. The Horror Writers Association blog continues its October theme: “Halloween Haunts: All The Treats! by Linda D. Addison”. Halloween has been one of my favorite holidays my whole life. As a child the idea of … Continue reading

Pixel Scroll 10/28/23 When You Saw Only One Set Of Pixels, It Was Then That I Scrolled You

(1) CHENGDU WORLDCON ROUNDUP. [Item by Ersatz Culture.] Con reports: Arthur Liu (part 2) Arthur’s con crud is subsiding, and he was able to post the second (of a projected four) part of his con report.  This one covers the setup … Continue reading

Pixel Scroll 10/27/23 For A Mere $39.95 You Can Turn A Dalek Into a Barista Machine

(1) CHENGDU WORLDCON ROUNDUP. [Item by Ersatz Culture.] New articles on the Chengdu Worldcon website, but only in Chinese There have been several news articles published on the official website since the convention ended on the 22nd, but only in … Continue reading

Pixel Scroll 10/26/23 It Was An Early Evening Pixel And The Scroll Had Just Opened Up

(1) LIGHTNING STRIKING AGAIN AND AGAIN. Charlie Jane Anders asks “Why Is It So Hard For Hollywood To Create Brand New Heroes?” at Happy Dancing. …I actually have no idea why Hollywood’s heaviest hitters keep coming back to the same … Continue reading

Pixel Scroll 10/25/23 Scrollkahoma, Where The Solar Wind Comes Clicking Down The Galactic Plane

(1) WELL, I’M BACK. That’s one of many things the Fourteenth Doctor doesn’t say in this video. Let Collider explain to you the way a new “’Doctor Who’ Featurette Breaks Down How David Tennant Returned”. After an entire decade of … Continue reading

Pixel Scroll 10/24/23 They Say It’s Only A Rebel Moon

(1) CHENGDU WORLDCON ROUNDUP. [Item by Ersatz Culture.] Hugo winner RiverFlow’s con report Some of the events in this length con report, with lots of photos, have been briefly covered in a prior Scroll, and comments, but this report is absolutely … Continue reading

Pixel Scroll 10/22/23 All I Have In My Pocket Is A Pixel And A File

(1) CHENGDU WORLDCON ROUNDUP. [Item by Ersatz Culture.] RiverFlow update He posted to Twitter this morning (UK time), and a couple of people have since told me that he’s doing better now. Best Short Story finalist Lu Ban’s Hugo photos Not … Continue reading

Pixel Scroll 10/19/23 A La Recherche Du Pixels Perdu

(1) INTERZONE NEWS. Gareth Jelley, Editor & Publisher of Interzone and IZ Digital announced today that “Interzone’s hiatus, thankfully, was very temporary.” He told File 770, “Although it is sad to lose the print edition, moving forward on a regular … Continue reading

Pixel Scroll 10/18/23 Jetpack Crashes, An Old Scroll Dies, Its Pixels Fall To The Floor

(1) LUKYANENKO NOT AT WORLDCON. There’s no sign of the Chengdu Worldcon’s Russian GoH Sergey Lukyanenko in social media coverage of the con. And the latest posts to his blog on his official website (devoted to anti-Israel remarks, and a … Continue reading