Ed Green Now Better Than Beethoven

In a famous Peanuts comic strip Lucy asks Schroeder, “If Beethoven was so great, how come they never put him on a baseball card?”

Ed Green, who plays auto salesman Vince Petrelli in Carmind training program videos, spent the weekend in Vegas at the National Auto Dealer Association convention with the rest of the “Seven Car Club” giving out souvenir trading cards.

So whether Ed ever gets past playing “Chopsticks” on the piano doesn’t matter anymore – we know he’s great because he’s got his own card.

Green in Air Collision Trailer

In this still from Air Collision, Ed is in the center rear, obscured by haze.

If you’re an airliner passenger in a movie titled Air Collision, count on a rocky ride. And Ed Green pitches and yaws with the best of them in the action movie’s new trailer.

When a solar storm wipes out the air traffic control system, Air Force One and a passenger jet liner are locked on a collision course in the skies above the midwest. Hint: Ed isn’t on Air Force One.

Ed Green appears for a split second a couple of times in the trailer [YouTube] — roughly :20 and :24.

Ed Green in Air Disaster

Wait, wait – Ed’s fine, Air Disaster is the name of the movie he’s in! From the same folks who brought you Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus, Mega Shark vs Crocosaurus, Mega Piranha, Titanic II, and Zombie Apocalypse:

When a solar storm wipes out the air traffic control system, Air Force One and a passenger jet liner are locked on a collision course in the skies above the midwest.

Air Disaster stars Robert Carradine, Jordan Ladd, Gerald Webb, and Andy Clemence. And in the mix is our own Ed Green —

I play a passenger on the passenger aircraft that’s on a collision course for Air Force One. I have lines! I have a death scene! I have a crappy flight all around!

The movie’s announced release date is March 2012, although it may be picked up by Syfy.

There’s No Place Like Home

Home – that’s where you’ll want to stay after you hear Ed Green rapping Liz Mortensen’s video/poem about Carmageddon, what Los Angelenos are calling this weekend’s two-day shutdown of a long stretch of Westside freeway.

Not safe for work – unless where you work they were cool hearing “**** Me Ray Bradbury” blasting away on the speakers in your cubicle.

What’s next, the return of Boy George with CarmaChameleon?

To Arms!

Elston Gunn’s favorable review of the mystery web series Looking for Grace for Ain’t It Cool News is of extra interest to local fans — because the arm in the photo at the beginning of the article belongs to LASFSian Ed Green.

Ed has a recurring role in Looking for Grace, a series created by Nathaniel Halpern (who’s also the lead actor) and directed by Aaron Rabin.

As Elston Gunn describes the show:

LOOKING FOR GRACE centers on the story of a young man who discovers his memories have been replaced by those of a mysterious woman named Grace and his search to find her. Working with a small crew and tight budget, the resourcefulness with which they tell their story will hopefully capture the attention of producers and financiers in the future. If you’re looking for something to fill the void since THE WALKING DEAD wrapped up its season, check it out at www.lookingforgrace.com and see what you think. The final installment was posted last week.

P.S. I’m thinking I could use this photo to start a scrapbook for media-appearances-by-part-of-a-LASFSian. The next thing on my want list is a still photo of Tadao getting eaten by Godzilla (in the 1998 version). 

Turn Out the Vote!

Ed Green wants your help and all you have to do is the very thing internet users do best – pile on!

He’s an actor in a Go Daddy Commercial Contest entry, “Office Pranks”. Please click on the link, enjoy Ed as Grumpy Boss, and rate the video. It helps him, and you win too because Ed’s act is funny.

Ed also features in a second entry with the same characters.

While Ed won’t make any money from the contest if the video wins, appearing in a winning commercial means a great chance for exposure on a national level.  And there’s always a chance Go Daddy could like the concept and order a series of commercials with those characters. Above all, it would make a great item for Ed’s resume.