2012 TAFF Ballot

The official ballot for the 2012 TAFF race [PDF file] has been posted on the fan fund’s unofficial website.

When the dust cleared, this was the complete slate of candidates and nominators:

  • Warren Buff: (nominators James Bacon, Paul Cornell, Chris Garcia, Tim Illingworth and Lloyd Penney)
  • Kim G. Kofmel: (nominators Flick, Brad Foster, Jeanne Gomoll, Alice Lawson, and Pat Virzi/Mueller)
  • Jacqueline Monahan: (nominators Sandra Bond, Nic Farey, Steve Green, Curt Phillips and John Purcell)

The voting deadline is December 9, 2011 at 23:59 (GMT in Europe, MST in North America). Votes may be submitted by mail (make donation checks payable to the administrators) or via PayPal. Addresses and other necessary information appears on the ballot. The minimum donation is (US)$3 or £2.

[Inspired by Ansible Links.]

Monahan Enters TAFF Race

Jacq Monahan has announced she is running for the 2012 TransAtlantic Fan Fund reports Steve Green.

Voted the 2010 FAAN Award for “Best New Fan,” Monahan is an active member of the Las Vegas sf group the Vegrants.

Her North American nominators are Nic Farey (editor, BEAM), Curt Phillips and John Purcell (editor, Askance). Her European nominators are Sandra Bond (editor, QuasiQuote) and Steve Green (editor, The Fortnightly Fix).

The TAFF race officially launches October 1, with the successful candidate attending Olympus, the 2012 Eastercon. If she wins, Jacq plans an extensive tour of the UK, with regular online bulletins on her progress and encounters with European fans, before returning to her native Las Vegas for Corflu Glitter.

[Thanks to Steve Green for the story.]

Update 09/09/2011: See comments for explanation.