Joe Haldeman Going Home to Florida

“We’re headed home,” announced Joe Haldeman’s on December 4. “The surgeon released me, and Gay’s been on the phone arranging things.”

The Haldemans plan to fly to Gainesville on December 9. They’ve been living in a Cincinnati condo loaned by Joel Zakem since Joe was allowed to leave the hospital on November 10.

Joe cautions, “Still a couple of surgeries to go, but at least I’ll be able to recuperate in the sunshine. And I’ll recover much faster, surrounded by my telescopes and art stuff.”

[Thanks to Joel Zakem for the story.]

Joe Haldeman Out of Hospital

After 52 days inside, Joe Haldeman was allowed to leave the hospital on November 10, Gay Haldeman told readers on Joe has moved to the Cincinnati condo Joel Zakem loaned them. He’ll continue his healing and recovery under the care of local pancreatic specialists for weeks to come, possibly returning to Florida by Christmas.

Joe himself added these sobering details to on November 11:

Speaking of woods, I’m not out of them, quite. I get tired walking across a room (but I can do it, without the walker). I have the clumsy ileostomy bag for another six months or so, and some pretty serious surgery in store then, when they reattach my large intestine. (They removed about 18″ of it, including the appendix as a little bonus.) And of course there’s pain. 

[Thanks to Andrew Porter and Janice Gelb for the story.]

Joe Haldeman Update 11/10/2009

Joe Haldeman’s progress is reported daily on by Gay Haldeman. She wrote on November 7 that the results of a CT scan showed Joe’s pancreas is functioning well. As of Monday, November 9 he completed a course of IV antibiotics and now takes them by pill. He is still in the hospital but expects to return soon to the Drake Center for more rehab work. Gay passed on this funny line of Joe’s: “We were talking about whether we have winter clothes here, since we arrived in September. Joe asked if he had a tie.  Why? ‘In case I win a Nobel Prize.'”

Joe Haldeman Update 11/5/2009

“Joe was in the best shape he’s been since September 19, the day this whole thing started,” Gay Haldeman told readers on November 4. “He walked across the room without help, got himself in and out of bed several times, sat up for a long time, ate well, talked about the future for the first time.” Doctors have decided not to do anything invasive yet and a new antibiotic is making him feel much better. 

Rose Fox celebrated Joe’s continuing improvement by answering his pancreatic poem with a double dactyl of her own:

Abdomen habdomen
Haldeman’s pancreas
Gave him a fever and
Twisted his guts.
Glad there’s no need for a
Get better soon, Joe–no
Ifs, ands, or buts!

(Reprinted by permission. Follow Rose’s commentary about the sf field on Publishers Weekly’s Genreville.)

Joe Haldeman Update 11/3/2009

Joe Haldeman was transported back to the hospital on November 3. He is expected to have a needle procedure in the near future to drain the fluid around his pancreas that might be causing his fever, reported Gay Haldeman reported to readers. This was determined after flu was ruled out as the cause of his chills, fever, weakness and all-over aches.

Joe has enjoyed progress in other areas – he was released by the speech therapist on October 30.

Joe’s recent visitors included Chris Barkley and Joel Zakem on October 27.

Joe Haldeman on 10/24/2009

Joe Haldeman’s improving apace – wheeling himself beside Gay to the cafeteria, talking with a visiting friend, practicing his handwriting. Gay Haldeman quoted Joe’s new poem to readers of

The pancreas, a curious beast
Has functions hard to scry.
It sits around for sixty years
Then tries to say “bye-bye.”

Joe Haldeman News 10/21/2009

Joe Haldeman had his first full physical therapy session on October 19, Gay Haldeman reported on He stood up from his wheelchair a couple of times and walked six small steps. “It was wonderful to see him standing and walking,” she wrote. On October 20 he had a longer PT session, standing and sitting. Plans are for Joe’s trach tube to be removed October 21.

Joe Haldeman “Band of Brothers” Update

Mike Glicksohn delighted Joe Haldeman by visiting him at the rehab center on October 17, Gay Haldeman wrote on During the day the nurses thought Joe and both his visitors, Mike and Rusty (Hevelin), must be related, their beards creating a kind of family resemblance.  

Joe’s therapy that day included putting on his own pants — he succeeded.  Later, the pulmonary doc started him on the protocol to get off the trach tube. Joe did fine with it capped for four hours, with 8 hours planned for Saturday and 12 for Sunday. If all goes well, the trach tube will be pulled during the week.

Gay added on October 18, “He’s clearly stronger, though he’s frustrated to be so weak.  Looks like he’s lost 30 pounds on the famous ICU (lack of) diet.”

Red Letter Days for Joe Haldeman 10/13/2009

“The best day so far,” Gay Haldeman told readers on October 12.

Found Joe wide awake.  He was evaluated for swallowing with apple sauce, juice and a graham cracker. He rolled his eyes and made happy faces when he had food in his mouth.  When the speech therapist asked him to smile, he made exaggerated monster teeth faces and cracked everyone up.  He’s been cleared for a soft diet.  If his pancreas enzymes stay down, he’ll eat on his own and be unhooked from the gastric tube. The whole visiting family got to interact with him.  Physical Therapy showed up, sat him on the edge of the bed for a while and he did well.  He paid attention as I was given a lesson in caring for his iliostomy.

He made writing motions, so we dug out the dry erase board Tim’s sister Jenny gave us.  Jag asked him if there was anything she could send him.  He pointed, slowly, letter by letter, to W-O-R-L-D   P-E-A… before we caught on.

On October 13, Joe had his iPod and a smile on his face. No fever. Real food. He was on a trach cuff and when the cuff was moved aside he could tolerate room air just fine.