Authors Dropping from New Demons Anthology

After several authors withdrew their stories today from the New Demons anthology due to the involvement of co-editor Patrick R. McDonough, another co-editor, Joe R. Lansdale, said the anthology is “done”.

A Kickstarter to fund the New Demons anthology was launched two days ago and promptly raised almost five times the amount of its target goal. The anthology was to be co-edited by Joe R. Lansdale, Patrick R. McDonough and Keith Lansdale, and feature stories from the following authors:

Subtweeting in social media about McDonough began when pre-launch publicity about the Kickstarter appeared. Ginger Nuts of Horror review website editor Jim McLeod then wrote explicitly on March 18:

Here are posts from several writers who today dropped out of the anthology.

Another is Chuck Wendig, who briefly stated in “Three More things Makes A Post” at Terribleminds:

….[T]he anthology I announced being a part of earlier, New Demons, I sadly am pulling out of at present. I’ll let you know if that changes.

Co-editor Joe Lansdale then responded:

And Patrick R. McDonough has posted a response and denial of wrongdoing: