7 Days of Chicon

This year after “Nine SFWAns dancing / Eight faneds fighting” comes — “Seven Days of Chicon.”

The 2012 Worldcon will be discounting its attending membership rates from December 20-26 (inclusive). Adult attending membership rates will drop by $15 and young adult attending memberships will go down by $10. Family rates will also be reduced. Full details of the sale can be found on the convention’s web site at www.chicon7.org.

[The full press release follows the jump.]

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Snapshots 75 Diamond Jubilee

Here are 14 developments of interest to fans.

(1) Andrew Porter passes along some holiday cheer, a link to a video made in his Brooklyn neighborhood: “That nice Karl Junkersfeld catches the spirit of the Christmas Tree lighting at the foot of Montague Street, next to the Brooklyn Heights Promenade. From BrooklynHeightsBlog.com, where I post comments under the pseudonym ‘Andrew Porter.’ A great time of the year to peep into windows, to see how the one percent (a bunch of whom live in the area) decorate for the holidays.”

(2) Once you have YouTube open, Francis Hamit would be more than gratified if you would watch two short bits about his projects. In the first, Director Mike Donahue tells why he plans to direct a film about Christopher Marlowe, the poet, playwright and spy, based on Hamit’s play Marlowe: An Elizabethan Tragedy. Marlowe worked for the early English Secret Service which gave him entry to the highest levels of society and ultimately led to his downfall and death. Donahue’s credits are Pooltime, The Visitor From Planet Omicron, The Extra and Mansion of Blood, the last three not yet released.

And like many other authors Hamit also has taught himself to make a book trailer using a Flip camera with Picassa and Youtube editing software. Click on the link to see what he says about his new novel, The Queen of Washington.

(3) Steve Green says in the Fortnightly Fix [PDF file] that friends have been importuning Martin Tudor and him to revive Critical Wave in time for its 25th anniversary:

[Critical Wave] began as a mimeographed newsletter handed out at science fiction conventions and grew into an out-of-control moneypit which very nearly bankrupted both of us. By the time our survival instincts kicked in and we called it quits, we’d published forty-six issues (including one double edition) over a nine year period and racked up five grand in debts, not counting the many generous souls who told us to forget the money we owed them.

Instead he is entertaining the idea of a collection selected from things they published in past issues – which includes contributions by Michael Moorcock, Graham Joyce, Stephen Baxter and Iain Banks. It might be done as a print-on-demand offering, possibly with profits going to charity. Steve is waiting to hear the reaction to his trial balloon.

(4) While you’re waiting, you can read the online edition of Mimosa 8, originally published in paper in August 1990, which has now been added to the Lynch’s Mimosa website. Rich says the contents include “Now You See Them…” by Harry Warner, Jr., which considers the possibility of an alien conspiracy of sorts right there in Hagerstown, Guy Lillian’s recounting of a Christmas Eve visit to the home of Harry Warner, the fourth in Sharon Farber’s series about medical life (this time about medical slang), a short but amusing article from John Berry about forensic chemistry, Richard Brandt’s remembrance of his short career working for a TV station, and Dave Kyle’s remembrance of an epic motorcar trip to the 1940 Chicago Worldcon.

(5) Every day there’s more and more evidence that we’re living in the future SF writers of the Sixties warned us against. Like this LA Times editorial, “When Droids Take Your Job”

Computers still aren’t very good at creative tasks, such as generating ideas or finding ways to apply lessons from one experience in a totally different context. But in Tucson, McAfee asserted that “the list of things humans are demonstrably better at than computers is shrinking pretty dramatically.” Brynjolfsson observed that about 60% of U.S. workers perform “information processing tasks,” and “it’s hard to think of any of those that won’t be profoundly affected and possibly eliminated by these technologies.”

At the same time, the ability of computers to make humans more productive is growing exponentially. Jeffrey Katzenberg, chief executive of DreamWorks Animation, said at the conference that an expert animator can create only about 3 seconds’ worth of a movie in a week because of the many hours spent waiting for computers to render the images in 3D. With the next generation of computers, he said, those workers will be able to animate and apply effects in real time, creating scenes 50 to 70 times as fast.

That’s astounding, and it’s great for DreamWorks and its animators, who can turn ideas into movies faster.

(6) By the way, that future we’re living in now includes people being convicted for organlegging. Although Reason wants to argue that legalizing the trafficking of human organs would save lives and protect the poor. Niven and Spinrad thought otherwise when they wrote stories about it.

(7) The actor who plays Sheldon Cooper in Big Bang Theory, Jim Parsons, will play Elwood P. Dowd in the 2012 stage revival of “Harvey”.

Sheldon Cooper has a new friend: a giant, imaginary rabbit. Bazinga!

Actually, it’s Cooper’s alter ego, Emmy-winning “Big Bang Theory” star Jim Parsons, who’ll be cavorting with the faux friend, as the star of a 2012 revival of “Harvey.”

Parsons will play Dowd in the revival, while Jessica Hecht (Ross’ nemesis Susan on “Friends”) will play his sister and “Murphy Brown” alum Charles Kimbrough will play the head of the sanitarium where Dowd’s sister tries to have him committed.

(8) Australian TV will launch a show being compared to Big Bang Theory next February. Click to view the “Outland Sneakpeak” [sic] trailer for the Australian Broadcasting Company’s comedy about “gay sci-fi geeks,” Outland.

(9) But only real life could supply us with Jurassic Park nerds, fans whose infinite fascination with the Spielberg movie leads to these kinds of observations.

First, some critics argue Jurassic Park is less about man versus dinosaur than man versus woman.

Gaze — but not too threateningly — at the paper “‘There Is No Unauthorized Breeding in Jurassic Park’: Gender and the Uses of Genetics” by Laura Briggs and Jodi I. Kelber-Kaye. Jumping off the work of critic Marina Warner, they read volumes into the fact that Jurassic Park‘s dinosaurs (a) are female (Terry’s T. rex excepted), and (b) have managed to breed on their own.

Jurassic Park‘s real theme, Briggs and Kelber-Kaye say, is women run amok. The she-dinos are reproducing without men and trying to stomp out the two-parent nuclear family (consisting here of Alan Grant, Tim, and Lex, with occasional appearances by Ellie Sattler, Grant’s partner). The critics look at Jurassic Park and see a racial theme, too. The Costa Rican dinos, they argue, represent “Third World” women. So Jurassic Park is not just about a threat to nuclear families, but to white families.

Second, that’s right, don’t be sexist, or racist, or anthropocentric, either. Don’t you know who’s really the best actor in Jurassic Park?

The T. rex is a series of small gestures. Watch her pupil constrict, a touch Spielberg borrowed from E.T. Watch her breath fog up the windows. What she’s doing — and what the raptors will do later in Jurassic Park — is giving a performance. My god, Dr. Grant, she’s acting! And “she” doesn’t just consist of Dennis Muren’s brilliant computer effects. The computers tag-teamed with Stan Winston’s 13,000-pound model, which was dragged onto Warner Brothers’ Stage 16 for the shoot. The rex model was fully digitized, but Winston and his team often insisted on controlling it manually so they could get the nuance. It “acted its ass off,” Winston said later.

(10) Is William Shatner a billionaire? All his Star Trek residuals and appearance fees could never add up to such a figure. But he has another gig on TV that might have propelled him into the 1%:

When shares in Priceline.com shot from their post-dot-com-era low of $2 to $500 earlier this year, pundits theorized that the company’s TV pitchman, William Shatner, might have become a paper billionaire. It’s true that the Montreal-born actor accepted stock in lieu of cash for appearing in Priceline’s early ad campaigns, but the highest published estimate of his original stake is 125,000 units—a mere $62.5 million at that price.

(11) And a technology popularized by Star Trek, now approaching realization, perhaps someday will create some real space-faring billionaires — the tractor beam:

…[A] team of NASA scientists has won funding to study the concept for remotely capturing planetary or atmospheric particles and delivering them to a robotic rover or orbiting spacecraft for analysis.

The NASA Office of the Chief Technologist (OCT) has awarded Principal Investigator Paul Stysley and team members Demetrios Poulios and Barry Coyle at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., $100,000 to study three experimental methods for corralling particles and transporting them via laser light to an instrument — akin to a vacuum using suction to collect and transport dirt to a canister or bag.

(12) But another whizzbang technology, the U.S. Navy’s electromagnetic railgun, is losing its funding.

Rather than relying on a explosion to fire a projectile, it uses an electomagnetic current to accelerate a non-explosive bullet at several times the speed of sound. The conductive projectile zips along a set of electrically charged parallel rails and out of the barrel at speeds up to Mach 7.

The weapon has been successfully fired over 1000 times. However, in April the Senate Armed Services Committee voted to axe two of the Navy’s most futuristic weapons, the free electron laser (referred to in the media as a death ray) and the railgun.

(13) Must have missed this episode of DS:9 because I never knew Captain Sisko fielded a baseball team. A writer for Baseball Prospectus took a look back and rated the talent. For example:

Catcher – Nog
Probably the biggest question mark on the whole team. Nog is a young Ferengi who recently joined Starfleet. He is roughly the equivalent of a nineteen year-old boy. He is also about 4’11” tall, weighing maybe 100 pounds. Somehow, though, he’s Sisko’s starting catcher. We know he’s a pretty good ballplayer (he’s the only one who shows actual talent during the team’s first practice), but no one that small should ever be behind the plate. Think of all the stolen base opportunities a physically-superior race like the Vulcans would have with Nog having to make the throw to second. It’s hard to say where Sisko should have put Nog, though.

(14) The creator of Schlock Mercenary told an interviewer that being a Hugo nominee is not an unalloyed joy:

“Hugo nominations are validating, but they’re also kind of devastating. Members of the Hugo community are rarely shy about dishing out criticism, especially of the things they just don’t think should be on the ballot. I’ve heard far more unkind words about my creations since getting ?validated? via nomination than I ever heard from the comic community.”

One other thing fans are not shy about dishing out is chocolate. If only there was a way for Hugo nominees to choose what we give them… 

[Thanks for these links goes out to David Klaus, Andrew Porter, James Hay, Rich Lynch, Australian SF Bullsheet and The Chronicles of the Dawn Patrol.]

Update 12/19/2011: Critical Wave will be celebrating its 25th, not 21st, anniversary as Steve Green realized after publishing the latter number in his zine.

Fox Thwarts Mugging

Rose Fox, of PW’s Genreville, and her family were accosted by three muggers on December 10 who attempted to rob them while brandishing an L-shaped piece of plastic they hoped would be mistaken for a gun. Fox described the incident on her blog:

[Three] of those people–young men, age 19 to 22 or so–were walking very closely behind us. VERY closely. And they had black scarves over their faces. I think Josh noticed them first and then we all did and started walking faster.

One guy made beckoning motions and said something like “C’mere, c’mere”. We continued walking faster. Then he reached into his jacket and pulled out an object that was supposed to look like a gun. For a moment, I thought it was one, and I slowed a bit and said “Uh, guys?” to suggest that Josh and Xtina should look at him and be aware that he was threatening us with a weapon and that sort of changed the situation.

Then I looked at it again. It did not look like a gun. It looked like an L-shaped piece of plastic. And he didn’t handle it like a gun. I have seen handguns up close all of twice, in very different conditions; I am not anything like an expert. I knew this even as I was making the assessment, and I knew that a wrong assessment would be very dangerous. But… it just wasn’t right.

So she shouted loudly at them while Xtina dialed 911 and the would-be robbers fled. The police soon came and took them to identify some suspects the cops already had stopped, but they could not make a certain identification.

[Thanks to David Klaus for the story.]

Announcing Paint, Pen and Pixel

Christopher J Garcia and Steven H Silver plan to publish Paint, Pen, and Pixel (love that plethora of P’s), a showcase for excellent work by fan artists. Say the editors:  

What we are asking for fan artists to send us a piece of original, unpublished artwork to be included, along with contact information we can run in the ‘zine so other faneds can get a flavor for your work and contact you for requests and assignments.

It will be published only in electronic format, giving the editors the option of making pages an appropriate size and orientation to suit pieces that don’t fit their 8.5” x 5.5” standard.

Garcia and Silver are asking for artwork for the first issue by February 15. Their goal is to publish the zine on March 1. Send art or your questions to either Chris or Steven at [email protected].

The full press release follows the jump.

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World Book Night U.S. Includes SF & F

World Book Night annually celebrates reading and books and next April 23 thousands of people in the U.S. as well as the U.K. and Ireland will go through their communities giving out free World Book Night paperbacks.

The 30 books chosen for this giveaway include well-known works of sf and fantasy – Octavia Butler’s Kindred, Orson Scott Card’s Ender’s Game and Stephen King’s The Stand.

World Book Night began last year in the U.K. and will be expanded to additional countries in years to come.

The date, April 23, coincides with UNESCO’s World Book Day, selected due to the anniversary of Cervantes’ death, as well as Shakespeare’s birth and death.

[Thanks to Andrew Porter for the story.]

Arc Will Launch in February

Arc, a new digital publication from the makers of New Scientist, will premiere in February 2012. The press release promises it will explore the future through “cutting-edge science fiction and forward-looking essays by some of the world’s most celebrated authors – backed up with columns by thinkers and practitioners from the worlds of books, design, gaming, film and more.”

Arc 1.1 is edited by Simon Ings, author of The Weight of Numbers and Dead Water. Simon established himself in the field with a trio of ground-breaking cyberpunk novels. He is a frequent commentator on science and science fiction.

For New Scientist editor Sumit Paul-Choudhury, Arc is an opportunity to explore new territory. “We’ve known for many years that our readers are fascinated by the future and all the possibilities it raises. But as a magazine of science fact, we can’t indulge that fascination very often,” he explains. “Arc will explore the endless vistas opened up by today’s science and technology. While it’s a very different venture from New Scientist, it will share its unique combination of intelligence, wit and charm.”

You will not be surprised to hear they will gladly sign you up to receive more e-mailed publicity.

[Thanks to Dan Goodman for the story.]

Russell Hoban (1925-2011)

Russell Hoban, author of Riddley Walker, died December 13 at the age of 86. John Clute, in The Guardian, characterizes that respected novel as follows:

Riddley Walker [is] the work that established his extremely high reputation as a deeply original novelist. It is an enormously eloquent and demanding science-fiction tale set in the UK perhaps three millennia after a nuclear war has ended civilisation. The survivors inhabit what is often referred to by science-fiction critics as a “ruined earth”, a ravaged, resource-poor, constantly threatened world whose inhabitants are unlikely to be literate, or long-lived.

It is a difficult world to portray, except sentimentally, or in terms of Grand Guignol. Hoban solves this problem by having his young protagonist tell his story, in his own words. The astonishment is in the words, a deeply ingenious and poetic representation of what English might actually sound like in such a world. The first sentence of the book has become famous: “On my naming day when I come 12 I to gone front spear and kilt a wyld boar he parbly ben the las wyld pig on the Bundel Downs any how there hadnt ben none for a long before him nor I aint looking to see none agen.” By the end of this novel the attentive reader dreams in that tongue.

Riddley Walker won the 1982 Campbell Memorial Award and 1983 Ditmar Award, and received a nomination for the 1982 Nebula (losing to Gene Wolfe’s Claw of the Conciliator.)

[Thanks to Andrew Porter for the story.]

T. J. Bass (1932-2011)

Thomas J. Bassler, who wrote sf as T. J. Bass, died December 13. He authored a pair of Nebula-nominated books, Half Past Human and its sequel The Godwhale (click to see John DeNardo’s reviews at SF Signal).

A medical doctor, Bassler wrote The Whole Life Diet: An Integrated Program of Nutrition and Exercise for a Lifestyle of Total Health (1979), with Robert E. Burger.

He also garnered attention with his theory that marathon running might confer a sort of immunity from heart disease. According to Runners World (December 2008):

He likened marathoners to the Masai warriors of Kenya and the Tarahumara Indians of Mexico-groups with little or no heart disease. “Marathon runners have much in common with these primitive populations,” Bassler wrote. Runners everywhere repeated Bassler’s tale to friends and skeptics alike. Then a trickle of case studies proved Bassler wrong, and the party was over.

[ Via SF Site, Locus Online and Andrew Porter.]