Stalking Chernobyl

The exploded Chernobyl Reactor today.

The exploded Chernobyl Reactor today.

By Hampus Eckerman: There is a connection between Sweden and Chernobyl. Sweden was the first country where the fallout from Chernobyl was detected and it was from there the first news of the accident spread around the globe. This even before Pravda wrote about the accident. The Chief of IAEA, the International Atomic Energy Agency, was at that time a Swede — Hans Blix — and he was the first westerner to inspect the consequences of the disaster. The east coast of Sweden was one of the places outside of Ukraine that suffered the most fallout and there are areas where radiation is still much higher than normal. Around 1000 cases of cancer in Sweden are directly linked to the Chernobyl disaster. After the accident, Swedes opened up their homes on the west coast to let Ukrainian children come and visit during summer to build up their strength. I was only 16 years old at the time of the accident. I remember the newspapers questioning if it would be safe to eat elk meat (the local version of MAD Magazine jokingly talked about BecquerElks), but that is about it. Stockholm, where I live, is not one of the areas that was affected and I think I never understood the seriousness of the issue. For me, visiting Chernobyl had more to do with my interest in weird travel locations.

Headline: Reactor breakdown in Soviet. Subheader: Nuclear clouds over the whole north.

Headline: Reactor breakdown in Soviet.
Subheader: Nuclear clouds over the whole north.

Before leaving for Chernobyl, I dug up my old copy of Arkady and Boris Strugatsky’s Roadside Picnic. For those of you that haven’t read it, the narrative of the book concern a visit from aliens to earth which causes a huge area to become affected. Strange lifeforms start to move around, the laws of nature seem to change and there are strange artifacts left that both governments and independents want to claim. The UN cordons off the area, saying that all items should be given to a specially created institute, but scavengers still sneak into the area to steal artifacts and sell to the highest bidders. These scavengers are called Stalkers.

There is no immediate connection between the book and Chernobyl other than a huge restricted zone that ordinary citizens can’t visit and where the earth itself has become poisonous. But in 1987, an Ukrainian game, S.T.A.L.K.E.R, was made based on the Strugatskys’ book and instead of letting aliens be the reason for the zone, they moved the narrative to Chernobyl in an alternative reality were a second explosion in the reactor made a much larger area toxic and caused strange mutations in animals. I only played the game a few times, but the feeling of it stayed with me. So I packed my book, thinking I was cool who remembered this connection.

Little did I know.


My Swedish translation of Roadside Picnic.

Chernobyl is a city around two hours from Kiev. It used to be inhabited by 14,000 citizens before the accident, but they were all evacuated. Now, somewhere between one-third and half of the houses have been made functional again and house around 5,000 workers who are still involved in the aftermath of the accident, nearly 30 years after it took place. It is placed around 15 km away from the nuclear reactor. Closer to the reactor is the ghost town of Pripyat. It used to house 50,000 people, who were all evacuated in around three hours. They only had one hour to gather a few of their belongings and were told that they would be able to return later on. This never happened. Between Pripyat and Chernobyl there are smaller houses that are being reclaimed by nature. Some of them are visible from the road during winter time, but during summer they are completely hidden by trees and leaves.

Radiation is patchy depending on fallout. There are hot spots, sometimes just a few meters wide, were radiation starts to climb and caused our Geiger counters to start screaming. Other places are quite safe. When going on a guided tour, you are strictly forbidden to enter forests or walk outside of the road. Nuclear dust still covers the area. You have to have clothing that covers both arms and legs. You are not allowed to eat or drink outside and before entering the canteen or leaving the zone, you are checked for radiation to see that you are safe. But those are the rules for us mundanes.

These do not apply to the Stalkers.

Old kindergarten near the town of Chernobyl.

Old kindergarten near the town of Chernobyl.

There have always been tours available for scientists and journalists. But for the general public, nothing like that was available until official tours started in 2011. What no one really counted on was the enormous amount of interest the game S.T.A.L.K.E.R would create. Suddenly there were a lot of people who became interested in the area, wanted to visit, but found no legal ways. Thus were the Stalkers created. And there were many kinds of them. Some who only were after the thrills of doing something they weren’t allowed to. Classic youth rebellion. Others started to create their own tours for visitors. Plunderers had existed since the evacuation, and also poachers. As nature has started to reclaim the houses, so has wildlife. Boars, wild horses, dogs, wolves, bears and more. And all of them named from Strugatsky’s book.

In an article from 2015, Slate Magazine tracks down this subculture. Much like in the book, they have to sneak past police patrols and ever-increasing security. They have to navigate in a toxic environment where eating and drinking by itself is poisonous. The effect is not immediate as cancer can take decades to develop, so they often ignore the basic safety precautions, drinking from the rivers and pools. As in the book, they bring home artifacts plundered in the zone which in itself makes the radiation spread. They are shot at, have to avoid dangerous creatures in form of wild life that may have taken shelter in deserted building. They sometimes make up small installations for tourists or put up things they find interesting on walls.

When my guide first started to talk about the Stalkers, I got a weird sense of déjà vu. I was walking around in areas I had seen both in the S.T.A.L.K.E.R game and in other computer games as Call of Duty and Counter Strikes. It is officially forbidden to walk inside buildings, but it is hard to hide during winter time where tracks can be seen in the snow where people have walked. Looking inside a building showed how realistic the Fallout games really are. When windows are broken and the interiors are subjected to winds, cold and snow, walls and floors start to crack. This together with people plundering what others had left behind made me feel like a cross between a Stalker and the lone wanderer of Fallout 4, trying to adjust to a new reality after the catastrophe. For a comparison between the different games covering Chernobyl and reality, see this nice article on Atlas Obscura.

Ferris Wheel displayed in all games based on Chernobyl.

Ferris Wheel displayed in all games based on Chernobyl.

It is also possible to visit a missile base around three hours drive from Kiev. It is a scary place to visit in how it reminds you of Dr. Strangelove. Not only is there a bomb of the same type as the one that is dropped in the movie placed in the courtyard (that tourists straddle for nice touristy photos, preferable with a cowboy hat in one hand). We were also told that the nuclear weapons there, with a power of in total 500 times larger than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima, was connected to an automatic warning system for automatic deployment of the bomb. The Perimeter system was a system that analyzed data from a difference of factors as radiation, seismic activity and atmospheric pressure. If the system judged that a nuclear strike had occurred in Soviet Union, it would automatically deploy all existing nuclear missiles, bypassing any human decision making. It was in fact the doomsday machine from Dr. Strangelove.

A vile filer and wretched soul, riding the bomb. In the background, an SS-18 missile that was destined for US.

A vile filer and wretched soul, riding the bomb. In the background, an SS-18 missile that was destined for US.

It is one thing to read in articles about nuclear accidents and missiles. It is quite a different thing to see this in reality. To understand the real persons involved. In this I must applaud the museums of both the missile base and the Chernobyl (placed in Kiev). Both of them took care to tell the stories of individuals and how they were affected. The people who suffered radiation sickness, had to leave their homes for ever, died to try to save hundreds of thousands of others or who had to sit in a small tiny room for days upon days, waiting for a signal that might start a nuclear war. It was a humbling experience and, as both my guides said, a scary tale of the folly of humanity.

But it was the stuff of great Science Fiction.

How Star Wars Fueled the Future

Star-Wars-Technology-Hologram-Featured-Image1By Brandon Anthony: Star Wars‘ was revolutionary when it first came out in 1977, and not only from a cinematic perspective. The film was able to foretell — by piecing together a broad pastiche of sci-fi influences- – many of the most impressive technological feats of today. While we all may not carry working light sabers quite yet, we are closer than ever to mastering many of the tools that appear in the original trilogy. From the digital helpers like “Siri” that live in our smartphones to the commercial spaceflights advertised by the likes of Sir Richard Branson, Star Wars is no longer confined to silver screen.

Space Flights for All

For anyone who fancies a quick trip to space, a new era of exploration and tourism may well be at hand. This summer, NASA selected four astronauts to begin working with The Boeing Company and Elon Musk’s SpaceX to further open up low-Earth orbit transportation to the private sector. With the hopes of building a commercial market for space transportation, NASA’s endeavors could one day help everyday people experience a taste of what the characters of Star Wars feel when they rocket the Falcon “.5 past light speed.” A few minor accidents this year have slowed progress somewhat, but as long as there are enough well-to-do tech moguls out there to continue providing capital support the outlook for commercial trips to suborbital space remains optimistic.

Battle Robots

If there’s one thing the military does well, it’s invent scary new ways for us to wreak havoc. Battle robots and droids, for instance, are now being used in real wars, though the robots are still controlled from a distance by a human. Many experts predict, however, that the future of warfare may be fully robotic, and the semi-automatic robots used today for bomb disposal and surveillance will be replaced by “droids” that can do our bidding intuitively. While our robots don’t yet look like the B1 battle droids in Star Wars, we are getting closer to robots that can make decisions independently from people – both a thrilling and terrifying thought. For civilian life back home, some of that same automated technology is being used within self-driving cars and other “intelligent” machinery. The encroachment of all these “self-help” tools may one day render many of our most laborious tasks obsolete.

Holographic Virtual Reality

Though the technology for holographic virtual reality was invented in the early part of the 20th century, George Lucas was ahead of his time in his onscreen depiction of its maturity. The average person saw “real” holograms for the first time in Episode IV, when Luke received Leah’s request for help. Now, with Microsoft’s developers working to develop a new device called the “HoloLens”, we may finally get a chance to experience high-definition holograms in real life. Though holograms in any form are still not in everyday household use, it’s easy to imagine a future where friends can leave each other holographic messages rather than voice mails.

Advanced Lithium Batteries (Power Cells)

Advanced “power cells” are a reality now as well. Though the science behind them is certainly different then the energy cells in the film franchise, the importance of storing energy in a way that is both efficient and compact is increasingly important for our electrical needs today. Now our advanced lithium batteries smaller, lighter, and more powerful than ever before. According to Dominion Ohio, one of the country’s largest energy providers, battery energy storage may soon be utilized for utility-scale energy storage – allowing us to better store power produced from renewables such as solar and wind. In Star Wars, Luke and his uncle Owen are “moisture farmers” in the deserts of Tatooine; going forward in an era of climate change, Earth’s inhabitants would do well to continue to take a leaf from Star Wars approaches to energy and innovation.

Personal Assistants

Apple’s “Siri” and Amazon’s “Alexa” are today’s AI assistants. Much like C-3PO they were designed for human interaction and are meant to respond to their owner’s requests in as natural a way as possible. Though they currently live in our cell phones or data devices, it is not hard to imagine a future where their software is installed into robots. Nor will it be long before they can think and react independently. At that point we may have an entirely different set of concerns to worry about.

With the latest Star Wars still in theaters and continuing to break records left and right, one is left to wonder — how many of the innovations shown in The Force Awakens, will soon be in all of our homes as well? I certainly wouldn’t mind a lightsaber, but the BB-8 has the advantage of also doubling as a cat toy. As they say, the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

Orphaned Rover Still Available After Auction

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Rover exterior.

Editor’s Note: Buddy’s Antique Auction in Arab, Alabama might not be the first place you’d look to buy a genuine Lunar Rover — but it should be! The salvaged LRV recently in the news was scheduled for auction on November 21.

By DMS: Around 20 people turned up for today’s auction, including the seller, the auction house staff, and the three looky-loos I brought. Only five of us signed up to bid. I was #1. There was also an online auction open, but there wasn’t any noticeable activity from that.

One of the bidders asked a lot of questions about authentication before the auction. They don’t have a full chain of custody and the retired NASA employee who confirmed the origin by comparison to historic photos had not worked with the prototype when it was at MSFC.

We got a late start, with the auction starting at closer to 12:30 than noon. Bidding started at $25,000 and ended at $30,000 which did not meet the reserve. I have no idea what the reserve was. At the beginning of the auction, we were told we’d find out at the end of the auction, but that information wasn’t included.

As it stands, the auctioneer told us that we were welcome to make an offer directly to the seller. During the auction, we were told someone overseas had offered $250,000 for it, so I certainly won’t be making an offer.

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DMS looking over the provided documentation.

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A look at the remaining interior structure.

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The view from the back row during the auction.

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Close-up of what is left of the electronics.

NASA Announces Evidence of Liquid Water on Mars

New findings from NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) provide the strongest evidence yet that liquid water flows intermittently on present-day Mars.

Using an imaging spectrometer on MRO, researchers detected signatures of hydrated minerals on slopes where mysterious streaks are seen on the Red Planet. These darkish streaks appear to ebb and flow over time. They darken and appear to flow down steep slopes during warm seasons, and then fade in cooler seasons. They appear in several locations on Mars when temperatures are above minus 10 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 23 Celsius), and disappear at colder times.

These downhill flows, known as recurring slope lineae (RSL), often have been described as possibly related to liquid water. The new findings of hydrated salts on the slopes point to what that relationship may be to these dark features. The hydrated salts would lower the freezing point of a liquid brine, just as salt on roads here on Earth causes ice and snow to melt more rapidly. Scientists say it’s likely a shallow subsurface flow, with enough water wicking to the surface to explain the darkening.

“We found the hydrated salts only when the seasonal features were widest, which suggests that either the dark streaks themselves or a process that forms them is the source of the hydration. In either case, the detection of hydrated salts on these slopes means that water plays a vital role in the formation of these streaks,” said Lujendra Ojha of Georgia Tech in Atlanta, lead author of a report on these findings published September 28 by Nature Geoscience.

Ojha and his co-authors interpret the spectral signatures as caused by hydrated minerals called perchlorates. The hydrated salts most consistent with the chemical signatures are likely a mixture of magnesium perchlorate, magnesium chlorate and sodium perchlorate. Some perchlorates have been shown to keep liquids from freezing even when conditions are as cold as minus 94 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 70 Celsius). On Earth, naturally produced perchlorates are concentrated in deserts, and some types of perchlorates can be used as rocket propellant.

For Ojha, the new findings are more proof that the mysterious lines he first saw darkening Martian slopes five years ago are, indeed, present-day water.

“When most people talk about water on Mars, they’re usually talking about ancient water or frozen water,” he said. “Now we know there’s more to the story. This is the first spectral detection that unambiguously supports our liquid water-formation hypotheses for RSL.”

This animation simulates a fly-around look at one of the places on Mars where dark streaks advance down slopes during warm seasons, possibly involving liquid water. This site is within Hale Crater. The streaks are roughly the length of a football field.

[Based on NASA press release. Thanks to John King Tarpinian for the story.]

Be a Solar System Ambassador for NASA

Solar Systems Ambassador Program COMPThe NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) Solar System Ambassadors Program (SSA) is inviting applicants to become an ambassador to the public for calendar year 2016.

The Solar System Ambassadors Program is a public engagement effort accomplished by space enthusiast volunteers across the nation who communicate NASA’s exciting discoveries and plans for future exploration of the solar system and beyond to general public audiences. Ambassadors become an extended part of each mission’s team and an important interface between the NASA community and the populace at large.

Applications will be accepted through September 30. Selections will be announced in early December, with successful candidates beginning their year of service after completing Orientation and Ethics training.

Solar System Ambassadors are asked to arrange, conduct and report at least four (4) community-based events per year.

Is this for you?

The Ideal Ambassador Candidate —

  • must be 18 years of age or older on January 1, 2016
  • has an active interest in space exploration
  • has a genuine desire to share knowledge about space exploration
  • has demonstrated ability to engage audiences and/or disseminate information
  • has the initiative and ingenuity to involve his/her local community in learning about NASA’s space exploration efforts
  • contributes to the geographic diversity of the group
  • establishes contacts with local institutions
  • builds upon strong ties with his/her community
  • inspires community youth to seek careers in science and technology
  • submits a well-thought-out, complete application
  • participates in online professional development sessions and/or reviews training archives
  • keeps up with Solar System Ambassadors Program email and web postings
  • makes the best responsible use of the materials provided
  • reports on events conducted in a timely manner using an on-line form

NASA has ambassadors in every state and territory, and several dedicated to specialties. Interested parties from the following areas are especially encouraged to apply: Alaska, Delaware, Iowa, Mississippi, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont, West Virginia, Wyoming, District of Columbia and US territories.

They hope to add at least 100 new volunteers to the program in 2016.

[Thanks to James H. Burns for the story.]

Planetary Society Plans 35th Anniversary Celebration

35th-email-bill-nyeBill Nye the Science Guy, CEO of The Planetary Society, invites people to mark the Society’s 35th anniversary on October 24.

The “More to Explore: A Space Celebration with Bill Nye” event at the Pasadena Civic Auditorium will run 7:30-9:00 p.m. Ticket prices range from $27 to $97.

Before the event there will be a pre-show VIP dinner from 5:00-7:00 p.m. with Planetary Society dignitaries including Bill Nye, Nichelle Nichols (Star Trek’s Lt. Uhura), Andy Weir (author of The Martian), and others. Tickets to the dinner are $200 per person.

The Planetary Society hopes to raise $100,000 to fund its Archive with these anniversary events and related donations.

Nichelle Nichols Takes A Close Look at The Final Frontier

She did it — Nichelle Nichols rode with the SOFIA telescope to the edge of space!

The largest airborne observatory in the world is a joint project by NASA and the German Aerospace Center.

Can Alien Life Save Us From Ourselves?

Stephen Hawking helps launch Breakthrough Initiatives.

Stephen Hawking helps launch Breakthrough Initiatives.

By Brandon Engel: Stephen Hawking is one of contemporary history’s greatest living geniuses. He is a leader in the fields of theoretical physics and cosmology as well as something of a medical miracle; having battled the motor-neuron disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) for the majority of his life, he operates a computer with his cheek in order to communicate. Today he is currently the Director of Research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology, at DAMTP in Cambridge, previously he served as the Lucasian Chair of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge – a position once occupied by no less a scientific personage than Sir Isaac Newton.

In the past, Hawking has been cautious about his involvement in attempts to communicate with extraterrestrials, asserting that potential alien encounters would likely be disastrous for humankind. Any serious warnings from him, however, seemed largely unnecessary, given that the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) project has been poorly funded and largely staffed by volunteers over the several decades of its existence. Anyone who concluded that Hawking is against SETI work, however, was mistaken. In collaboration with Russian billionaire Yuri Milner, on July 20 he announced the creation of the “Breakthrough Listen” project at a press conference at the Royal Society, another group to which Isaac Newton belonged. The project will be endowed with $100 million over the course of 10 years.

The plan is to use powerful radio telescopes around the world, such as at the Parkes Observatory in Australia and Lick Observatory in California, to listen for alien signals. About a million stars will be observed by the project, which will focus its efforts on frequencies between 1 gigahertz and 10 gigahertz, which is thought by experts to be the most likely range for finding meaningful communications. It’s estimated that the amount of data gathered in one day of Breakthrough Listen will be as much as was collected in a year of previous SETI endeavors.

Alongside “Listen” is a similar but smaller-scale effort called “Breakthrough Message”, centered around composing a message to send to any alien life that we may find. Message will incorporate an element of competition, with a prize pool of $1 million for the winning creation of digital messages that reflect humanity and its values. Project leaders have not yet committed to sending any such message even if another civilization is found on some distant planet, but the possibility is being carefully considered.

Any attempt to communicate over interstellar distances is, of course, a very tricky business.

Breakthrough’s approach may be superior to the system used in the Voyager spacecraft: the launching into space of physical material containing information about Earth and the human species. This attempt seemed to be more of a publicity stunt rather than an actual, viable means of transmitting information to extraterrestrials. The chances of another civilization actually finding such a physical artifact within the vast volume of space is almost zero, despite what we may have seen in Star Trek.

Some more outlandish theorists claim that we have already come into contact with alien races, and they have already shared an impressive wealth of information with us. Over the last fifty years, it’s clear that we’ve witnessed a massive influx of technological discoveries that would have been unimaginable to those just several generations earlier. Some of these breakthroughs — powerful lasers, fiber optic internet, and advanced microchips — are believed (by a vocal few) to be proof of back-engineered alien technology. It’s hard to find credibility in these claims, but they nevertheless ignite a hope that extraterrestrial communities may assist us in the future, should we ever find a way to reach out.

Even if Breakthrough Listen detects a faraway culture and Breakthrough Message gives us the means to communicate with it, there might not be much that can be said. We have no way of knowing the ways in which alien lifeforms have evolved, and if their conceptions of time and space are anything like our own. As the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein once remarked, “If a lion could speak, we could not understand him.” After all, consider what aliens would think about us if they accidentally detected one of our transmissions, say, a YouTube cat video?

Complicating matters is the universal speed limit – the speed of light in a vacuum – faster than which no message can travel. This means that it will take several years between transmission and reception, even if we detect intelligent life orbiting one of the stars closest to our home planet. All things considered, it’s highly implausible that aliens could teach us how to live in peace with our fellow creatures, preserve our Earth’s environment or how to address any of the other problems that currently affect us.

If we do end up communicating with aliens, the outcome will likely reveal more about our own personal perceptions and biases than anything else. In the words of Fermilab physicist Don Lincoln, “When we talk about the more intelligent extraterrestrials, we’re really holding a mirror up to ourselves. If we didn’t see ourselves in the vision, we wouldn’t find them nearly as fascinating.” Ultimately, the notion of extraterrestrial peoples encourages us to see outside ourselves, and imagine new, alien, ways of doing things.

Rosetta Finds Another Stone

Boulder_flying_by_cometBy Taral Wayne: Remember those science fiction movies where a spaceship in the asteroid belt would be pelted by fist-sized rocks and be forced to dodge tumbling boulders ranging in size from VW vans to small states?  In reality, spaceships pass through the asteroid belt without seeing so much as as a speck of dust, except by using very long distance cameras. Space is empty, dude!  Even the crowded bits are mostly empty vacuum. However, the cameras of the Rosetta spacecraft have caught a very rare bit of footage recently, yet somehow the media has missed it entirely!

Here is footage of a large boulder passing by Comet 67P at the end of July. ESA scientists don’t know how large it is because they can’t estimate its distance accurately.  Their guesses put it at between roughly 1 and 50 meters … approximately between 3 and 165 feet. It is too large, and its trajectory obviously rules out the comet as its origin, so it appears to be a genuine piece of the inner edge of the asteroid belt going by.  It must be in a similar orbit, as the relative velocities are not high.

Tolkien Names Mark Faraway Places

“Gandalf on Titan” may sound like the title of an Ace Double but as of today it’s a map feature on Saturn’s largest moon.

The IAU Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature has just announced that Titan has Mountains of Moria and Gandalf Hills.

The IAU convention is that mountains on Titan are named after mountains in Middle Earth, and hills are named after Tolkien’s characters. See the rules here.

Some of these hills are called by the Latin word colles.

The previously named Bilbo Colles, photographed by Cassini.

The previously named Bilbo Colles, photographed by Cassini.

[Thanks to Bill Higgins for this story.]