Michael Mallory Signing in Glendale

Pop culture writer Michael Mallory will sign his latest book, The Science Fiction Universe…and Beyond: A SyFy Channel Book of Sci-Fi, at Mystery & Imagination on December 2 at 3:00 p.m.

Arranged chronologically, showing the progression of sci-fi over the decades, and delving into interesting back stories and trivia, this volume includes a variety of classic films and television shows, such as The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951), Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956), The Twilight Zone (1959–1964), Doctor Who (1963–1989), 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), A Clockwork Orange (1971), Star Wars, Episode IV—A New Hope (1977), Alien (1979), E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial (1982), Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987–1994), Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991), Stargate SG-1 (1997–2007), Battlestar Galactica (2004–2009), and many others.

[Thanks to John King Tarpinian for the story.]

August 26 Tripleheader

Mystery & Imagination Bookshop weaves together three events on Sunday, August 26 from 1:00-4:00 p.m.

The Devil’s Coattails signing party brings together the story collection’s editors, authors and publishers — William F. Nolan, Sunni K Brock, Jason V Brock, Marc Scott Zicree, R. C. Matheson, Paul G. Bens, Jr., Earl Hamner, Jr., and Paul J. Salamoff.

At the same time some of those same folks, plus others, will participate in “Ray Bradbury: A Celebration of Life” — William F. Nolan, George Clayton Johnson, Marc Scott Zicree, R. C. Matheson, Paul G. Bens, Jr., Earl Hamner, Jr., Stan Freberg, Terence McVicker, Dennis Etchison, Pete Atkinson, and Paul J. Salamoff.

And there will be a simultaneous signing party for The Nefertiti-Tut Express, the last book of Bradbury’s to appear before he left us. Publisher Terence McVicker, the publisher, will be in attendance. The book features illustrations by Gary Gianni.

Mystery & Imagination is located at 238 N. Brand Bl., Glendale, CA 91204.

[Thanks to John King Tarpinian for the story.]

Tarpinian: Birthday Party for Earl & George

Earl Hamner Jr. and George Clayton Johnson at Mystery & Imagination Bookshop. (Photo by John King Tarpinian.)

By John King Tarpinian: The bookshop, Mystery & Imagination in Glendale, CA, hosted a dual birthday party on July 22 for two Twilight Zone legends, Earl Hamner, Jr. & George Clayton Johnson. The upstairs area of the bookshop was standing room only. Earl wrote eight TZ scripts while George wrote six. Earl and George credited Ray Bradbury for introducing them to Rod Serling.

Both talked about their lengthy careers and even lengthier marriages. They talked about the industry they were swept up in, the lessons they learned along the way.

Earl followed his TZ adventures with the movie, Spencer’s Mountain starring Henry Fonda and Maureen O’Hara which then turned into the TV show, The Waltons. His next venture was Falcon’s Crest. Earl talked about going to studio meeting now with the “twelve-year-old executives” and how the industry has changed. He read a piece he recently wrote about being eighty-nine years old.

George also talked about his career starting with writing the original Ocean’s Eleven for the RatPack, then his TZ episodes. Among them, working with a very young actor Robert Redford to Jack Klugman and Jonathan Winters. Not to mention Steven Spielberg selected his Kick the Can for the TZ movie. Having the luck of the first aired original Star Trek being his The Man Trap.

There were a few other authors who attended to pay their respects, Peter Atkins (The Hellraiser movies), Horror Writer and TZ radio writer Dennis Etchison, mystery writer and comic expert Michael Mallory.

It was a lovely afternoon honoring two men who have given us so much enjoyment over the decades.

Mystery & Imagination Birthday Bash

Two writers celebrating their birthdays on the 22nd at Mystery & Imagination Bookshop in Glendale – what could be more numerologically significant?

George Clayton Johnson will be 83. Earl Hamner Jr. is turning 89.

They have in common is that both wrote for Twilight Zone.

Johnson also wrote the first aired Star Trek episode, co-authored the novel Logan’s Run, and the script for the original Ocean’s 11.

Hamner wrote for and produced The Waltons and Falcon Crest.

See you July 22, 1-4 p.m., at Mystery and Imagination, 238 N. Brand Blvd., Glendale, CA 91204

[Thanks to John King Tarpinian for the story.]

A LASFSian Remembers Ray Bradbury

(L to R) Leigh Brackett (Mrs. Hamilton), Ray Bradbury, Marguerite Bradbury, Edmond Hamilton, at 1968 World SF Convention, Hotel Claremont, Oakland, Calif. Photo by © Andrew Porter.

By Mike Glyer: Ray Bradbury had discovered science fiction when he was eight. Now at the age of 17 he was about to discover fandom.

T. Bruce Yerke, secretary of the Los Angeles chapter of the Science Fiction League — an office I held 50 years later in the renamed LASFS – was given Bradbury’s name as a membership prospect. Yerke sent a letter on the club’s hectographed stationery inviting him to attend their meetings at Clifton’s Cafeteria. Ray Bradbury appeared on October 7, 1937 asking, “Is Mr. Yerke here?”

Bradbury was then in high school, graduating in 1938, and already turning out stories. Within a week, Forry Ackerman had him writing and drawing for the clubzine Imagination!, beginning a lifelong friendship. With Ackerman’s encouragement and occasional financial assistance he weathered a stream of constant rejections from sf prozines. Ackerman also underwrote Bradbury’s fanzine Futuria Fantasia, with material by Kuttner and Heinlein, and loaned Bradbury the money to attend the first Worldcon in New York in 1939.

The young fan’s full name was Ray Douglas Bradbury. His father had named him for the silent movie star Douglas Fairbanks. And in the pages of The Damned Thing editor T. Bruce Yerke teased the lofty, Hollywood aspirations of “Rayoul Douglasse Bradbury” who sold papers on a Normandie Ave. street corner.

This sounds snarky, taken out of context. In fact, Bradbury probably enjoyed the teasing — he was one of Yerke’s regular contributors and even drew the cover of The Damned Thing #2.

Bradbury himself told stories about those days in the 1930s when he would roller-skate up to the gate at Paramount and hang around trying to get stars’ autographs. After W. C. Fields complied he dismissed Ray, saying, “Here you go, you little son-of-a-bitch.” And Ray liked to loaf at the famous Brown Derby restaurant — but bought his meals at Hugo’s Hot Dog Stand across the street.

Ray cultivated his many talents to entertain and win friends. He played the violin (badly), impersonated FDR, W.C. Fields and radio star Fred Allen, cracked jokes at club meetings, sang loudly enough while riding a boat in Central Park that the authorities complained, and wrote plays and acted in a little theater group led by actress Laraine Day.

All the while he was faithfully writing 1,000 words a day and selling nothing, until at last he broke through with his first sale in 1941, “Pendulum,” written in collaboration with Henry Hasse and published in Super Science Stories. Soon he was selling regularly, with Julius Schwartz as his agent. He eventually shed the pulps and began selling to major magazines – once hitting the Saturday Evening Post, Collier’s, Coronet and Esquire within a three-week period.

Bradbury married Marguerite McClure in 1948 and they had four daughters. Maurgerite passed away in 2003.

Quite a bit of his most famous fiction was written before 1955. By then television was booming and Bradbury began writing scripts for Twilight Zone and Alfred Hitchcock Presents and many other shows.

In 1956, John Huston hired him to write the screenplay for the movie Moby Dick. This took him to Ireland and inspired a series of Irish stories – my favorite when I was much younger was “The Anthem Sprinters,” about Irishmen who tried to get out of the theater between the end of the film and the start of “God Save the Queen.”

In the Sixties filmmakers began making movies from Bradbury’s own work, Fahrenheit 451 directed by Francois Truffaut (1966) and The Illustrated Man (1969).

An amazing thing is that even with his ever-increasing fame, speaking schedule and strenuous writing workload Ray remained cordial towards his fans. I think he actually reveled in his fame, one of the fruits of his success as a writer, but he was an incredibly generous spirit by nature, who gave his time and attention to any cause he felt indebted to – such as the libraries where he’d educated himself – and paid forward the encouragement and mentoring he’d received as a young, unpublished dreamer.

When I got into fandom in the late Sixties I was part of a local library discussion group. I persuaded them to put out a fanzine and as the editor assigned myself the job of trying to get contributions from pro writers. Nearly all of them sent friendly replies saying “no.” Ray Bradbury actually sent us something to use – a tearsheet of “These Unsparked Flints, These Uncut Gravestone Brides,” a poem that essentially compares spinster librarians to unused tombstones, a metaphor less appreciated by the library staff than the rest of us who fixated on the “Wow! Ray Bradbury is in our zine!” part.

He clearly relished an audience, speaking often at libraries, universities and civic events. He spoke at USC during my freshman year, the first time I got his autograph. That was 1970, and Ray had already shaped the basic autobiographical speech that he continued to present til he was 90, about his childhood memories, the art he loved and his successes as a writer. That day he said, “I wanted to become the greatest writer in the world. Aren’t you glad I finally made it?” The audience cheered like mad.

Ray became pretty receptive to invitations to speak at LASFS’ annual convention, Loscon, after his friend Julius Schwartz got active in fandom again in the Eighties. I always hoped to pull off an appearance by Ray for one of the cons I programmed. When at long last his schedule and health seemed likely to permit it, he unfortunately got sick the weekend of the con and had to cancel. Forry Ackerman saved my bacon by agreeing to take that hour and tell stories about Ray, by then his friend for over 60 years.

Writing this blog drew me back into Ray’s orbit once more by connecting me with John King Tarpinian, Bradbury’s batman on outings and one of my colleagues at the IRS. John lives in Glendale near Mystery & Imagination Bookshop, scene of a plethora of Bradbury appearances like his annual birthday parties. (See Ray Bradbury’s 89th Birthday Party, article and photos by John King Tarpinian.)

John helped make File 770 “all Bradbury all-the-time,” our incessant drumbeat of reports about signings and sales amplified by the occasional news blast, like when John snapped a photo of Ray’s gobsmacked expression as he watched Rachel Bloom’s “F*** Me, Ray Bradbury” music video for the very first time (V*** For Me, Ray Bradbury).

I’ll continue to celebrate Ray’s work and life because I’ve never had more fun as a fan of any science fiction writer than I’ve had following the exploits of that unpublished teenager who wandered into LASFS in 1937 and went on to be one of our greatest fantasists, opening the genre to millions of readers.

Update 06/07/2012: Corrected full first name to Ray, which Tarpinian says is on his birth certificate. “Raymond” I got from Warner’s All Our Yesterdays. Bill Warren also sent me the correction. Thanks!

Halloween Party at Mystery & Imagination

Mystery and Imagination Bookshop in Glendale, CA will have a day-long Halloween party on Saturday, October 29 from 1-6 p.m. with special guest George Clayton Johnson.

Lisa Morton, a Bram Stoker award winning horror author, will be reading and signing her just released book Monsters of L.A. at 3 p.m.

At other times of the day they’ll have: L. J. Dopp, illustrator and author, Maria Alexander, local genre author, and Tony Gleeson, illustrator, reading and/or signing.

[Thanks to John King Tarpinian for the story.]

Happy 82nd Birthday, George!

Mystery and Imagination Bookstore in Glendale will celebrate George Clayton Johnson’s 82nd birthday with a party on Sunday, July 10. The festivities begin at 2 p.m.

George is responsible for some of science fiction’s most imaginative, historic and memorable scripts, including The Twilight Zone episodes “Nothing in the Dark,” “Kick the Can,” and “A Game of Pool,” and the first Star Trek episode to air, “The Man Trap.” He collaborated with William Nolan on the novel Logan’s Run, later made into an MGM movie. He also wrote the screenplay for the original Ocean’s 11.

Mystery & Imagination is located at 238 N. Brand Bl. in Glendale, California.

[Thanks to John King Tarpinian for the story.]

Twilight Zone at 50

The 50th Anniversary of the original Twilight Zone was celebrated December 12 at Mystery & Imagination Bookshop in Glendale, CA:

By John King Tarpinian: Sunday was the first of what portents to be a number of Twilight Zone get together events.  It was an afternoon of praise for Rod Serling and all he has done for the little screen. 

At this first event was (left to right in photo):

Robert Butler (who directed George Takei in the Twilight Zone episode “The Encounter”) He has a long list of directing credits that cannot due justice him so I suggest you do an IMDB search.

Renee Aubry, who was in “Sounds and Silences,” directed by Richard Donner.  She was also in the movie Gypsy.

Marc Zicree, author of the Twilight Zone Companion was our moderator.  He is probably the foremost authority on the Twilight Zone.  Marc has the distinction of interviewing surviving people from their related TZ episodes for the still unfolding Blu-Ray editions of the TZ.

George Clayton Johnson, if readers don’t know who George is by now there is something wrong…

Arlene Martell was in two Twilight Zones with her scene stealing line being, “Room for one more, Honey” in the episode titled “Twenty-Two.”  She also is most famous for having played T’Pring, Spock’s betrothed in Star Trek and played the love interest to Robert Culp in the Outer Limits, “The Demon with a Glass Hand”…written by Harlan Ellison.

Twilight Zone Celebrated
at Mystery & Imagination

The 50th Anniversary of the original Twilight Zone will be celebrated Sunday, December 12 from 2-4 p.m. at Mystery & Imagination Bookshop in Glendale, CA. Six famous Twilight Zone personalities will talk and sign:

  • Marc Zicree, screenwriter and World’s Twilight Zone expert who was put to the test live on NPR  last year;
  • Director Rober Butler (who directed George Takei in the Twilight Zone episode “The Encounter”)
  • Actress Arlene Martell (Twilight Zone, Outer Limits)
  • Dennis Etchison, who wrote over 100 Twilight Zone radio scripts)
  • George Clayton Johnson, who wrote Twilight Zone episodes “The Four of Us Are Dying,” “Execution, “The Prime Mover,” “A Penny for Your Thoughts,” “A Game of Pool” (Jonathan Winters and Jack Klugman), “Nothing in the Dark” (Robert Redford), “Kick the Can” (remade by Steven Spielberg in the Twilight Zone movie), and “Ninety Years Without Slumbering.” 
  • Earl Hamner, Jr., creator of The Waltons and Falcon Crest and writer of Twilight Zone episodes “The Hunt,” “A Piano in the House,” “Jess-Belle, Ring-a-ding Girl” (Carol Burnet), “You Drive,” “Black Leather Jackets,” “Stopover in a Quiet Town” and “The Bewitchin’ Pool” (the last aired episode of Twilight Zone).

[Thanks to John King Tarpinian for the story.]

Tarpinian: Bradbury Read-In Report

George Clayton Johnson

By John King Tarpinian: Saturday the First Annual Ray Bradbury Read-In was held at the Mystery and Imagination Bookshop.  The event was conceived and hosted by George Clayton Johnson.  Many fans, friends and fellow writers were in attendance.  The event started around 1:00 p.m. and ended around 8:00 p.m.  People took turns reading Ray’s short stories, poems and chapters from a few of Ray’s novels.

Opening the reading was George.  For those who don’t know who he is or his resume George wrote the original Ocean’s Eleven, Twilight Zone episodes such as “Nothing in the Dark” featuring a very young Robert Redford, and “A Game of Pool” with Jonathan Winters and Jack Klugman.  His version of “Kick the Can” was selected by Steven Spielberg for his directing of the TZ Movie.   Many people do not know this but George wrote the first ever aired Star Trek, “The Man Trap,” and coined the phrase, “He’s Dead Jim.”  With is writing partner, William F. Nolan he wrote the cult classic Logan’s Run.

Dennis Etchison

Oh yes, George read “Icarus Montgolfier Wright.”  The short story was written by Ray and the Oscar-nominated short subject screenplay was co-written by Ray and George with artwork by Joseph Mugnaini.

There were many members of Ray’s acting troupe, The Pandemonium Theatre Company, who read from a plethora of selections.  Many they had performed on stage before.

Peter Atkins

Peter Atkins, best known for his writing of the children movie series Hellraiser, read from what he said was his favorite book of all time, Something Wicked This Way Comes.

Dennis Etchison, another author of note, read his favorite story from Golden Apples of the Sun, “I See You Never.”  Dennis has won numerous writing awards and is noted for having done the novelizations of the movies, Halloween II and III plus Season of the Witch and John Carpenter’s The Fog.

 This event went so well that it now is slated to be an annual event.